I also decided and thought it'd be fun to do the "ABC's of Me", just a random list of things I like in alphabetic order. Pretty sweet right? Here goes nothing...
A - Apples, yes this is generic, but it also deals with the fact that i'm going to be a teacher :)
B- Books, I can't get enough of them, and to go double b on you, the best one by far out there, is
the Bible
C- Chocolate, it speaks to my soul.
D- Dancing, though I might be awful I sure love to try!
E- Earphones, i'm always listening to music
F- Fairytales, especially Disney ones, they make me happy :)
G- Giggling, every now and then I love to giggle with my friends until I cry... Also, God, and his Grace, He is amazing.
H- Hugs, I love hugs. Hershey Kisses, oohhh baby they're good.
I- itunes! I'm on there wayyyyy tooo frequently and buy wayyy tooo much music
J- jolly ranchers, I like these quite a bit, especially the blue raspberry ones
K- kittens, they're adorable, fluffy and everyone should have one.
L- Lion King, The. Yes I do know all the songs in this movie, and some of them are on my ipod currently, did I mention I'm 20 years old?
M - Musicals. I. Love. Musicals. The Sound of Music is by far my favorite, but I love most all of them!
N- night time, i'm much more a night owl than a morning person. Also, Naps, I couldn't live without them.
O - Oscar the Grouch, I used to love Sesame Street and good old oscar.
P- Piano! I've been playing since I was little and it's so much fun!
Q- Queen of Hearts, I like playing card games, my mom's side of the family is big on them.
R- Retro, I like old things.
S- Sheet Music, I have quite the stock of sheet music, I buy way too much. Scooby Doo, one of my favorite cartoon characters.
T- Tom Welling, I'm a Smallville fan.
U- Ukelele, I think it would be fun to learn how to play.
V- Volume, I gotta crank it up when i'm driving.
W- Willy the Wildcat, Willy Wonka (old version),
X - Xylophone, sounds cool, amuses me. X-rays, kinda freak me out.
Y- Yakkety Yak - I do love to talk, sometimes too fast.
Z- Zink! I saved the best for last :)
Until Next Time... Anna Banana
Sounds just like you Anna! ;D