Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The ABC's of me....

So, after I recently started a blog with my roommates, I decided that it'd also be fun to have one of my own. As a result, Everything from A to Z was started. To start with, the reason I called my blog this is because of my name. I feel like my name is a walking cliche. My first name starts with an A, and my last name starts with a Z. My middle initial is even an M, which being the 13th letter of the alphabet out of 26, is technically in the middle. Oh Joy. Imagine trying to line up in grade school by alphabetic order. I was the girl that was always last when we went by last names because sure enough Z is the last letter of the alphabet. You can't be much more last than that. I longed for the days when we would go by our first names and I got to be first in line, you can imagine how this made me feel :) Speaking of my last name though, something else that has always drove me nuts is how it's basically an element on the periodic table. Zink, but not Zinc. When I tell people my last name i've even gotten into a habit of saying Zink with a K! My science teacher in high school always teased me about being on the period table of elements. Despite all this, I actually love my last name. It's unique and short, sweet and to the point. And I kind of like being everything from A to Z or rather from Anna to Zink :)

I also decided and thought it'd be fun to do the "ABC's of Me", just a random list of things I like in alphabetic order. Pretty sweet right? Here goes nothing...

A - Apples, yes this is generic, but it also deals with the fact that i'm going to be a teacher :)
B- Books, I can't get enough of them, and to go double b on you, the best one by far out there, is
the Bible
C- Chocolate, it speaks to my soul.
D- Dancing, though I might be awful I sure love to try!
E- Earphones, i'm always listening to music
F- Fairytales, especially Disney ones, they make me happy :)
G- Giggling, every now and then I love to giggle with my friends until I cry... Also, God, and his Grace, He is amazing.
H- Hugs, I love hugs. Hershey Kisses, oohhh baby they're good.
I- itunes! I'm on there wayyyyy tooo frequently and buy wayyy tooo much music
J- jolly ranchers, I like these quite a bit, especially the blue raspberry ones
K- kittens, they're adorable, fluffy and everyone should have one.
L- Lion King, The. Yes I do know all the songs in this movie, and some of them are on my ipod currently, did I mention I'm 20 years old?
M - Musicals. I. Love. Musicals. The Sound of Music is by far my favorite, but I love most all of them!
N- night time, i'm much more a night owl than a morning person. Also, Naps, I couldn't live without them.
O - Oscar the Grouch, I used to love Sesame Street and good old oscar.
P- Piano! I've been playing since I was little and it's so much fun!
Q- Queen of Hearts, I like playing card games, my mom's side of the family is big on them.
R- Retro, I like old things.
S- Sheet Music, I have quite the stock of sheet music, I buy way too much. Scooby Doo, one of my favorite cartoon characters.
T- Tom Welling, I'm a Smallville fan.
U- Ukelele, I think it would be fun to learn how to play.
V- Volume, I gotta crank it up when i'm driving.
W- Willy the Wildcat, Willy Wonka (old version),
X - Xylophone, sounds cool, amuses me. X-rays, kinda freak me out.
Y- Yakkety Yak - I do love to talk, sometimes too fast.
Z- Zink! I saved the best for last :)

Until Next Time... Anna Banana

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