Friday, March 11, 2011

Podcast, Website & Blog Mid-term Critiques

Part 1: Podcasts

I critiqued the websites of Austyn McNew and Cristina Navickas so here I will be reflection on both of their podcasts.

As for Austyn's podcast... He lists 2-5 tools, Wordle, Glogster, The Google Art Project,  and Animoto...
-Wordle is the first resource he talks about - talks about using it to prepare students for spelling tests, which is a great idea! It's also a lot of fun, I really like this tool as well. He says you could also use it as a "get to know you" activity at the beginning of the school year.
-Animoto is his 2nd resource. You are able to upload pictures and create 30 second videos, but this website is pretty sweet in my opinion. We have had to use it for educational technology and we made ones about our content area. In Austyn's case he made an animoto about history which is pretty cool. I made one for my content area which is ESL
-Google Art Project - is a very useful tool in which you can take students on virtual tours of museums all around the world, he found it interesting and fun to play around on.
-Glogster - is a really easy way to make online posters that can be interactive as well. I have also used this resource in one of my podcasts, either my group one or my individual one, I can't remember, but I know that I love this resource!

As for Cristina's podcast: She did a podcast about Special Education which is really cool!
-She found  a "national center for learning disabilites" which is comprised of a wide variety of resources, podcasts and blogs.
-Her 2nd site was "learning disabilites online" offers in-depth articles on a wide variety of learning disabilites, and gives links for parents and educators.  This website offers hope and encouragement by providing inspiring personal stories.
-Her 3rd site - national dissemitation center for disabilites, discusses IDEA legislation as well as the NCLB act as it relates to children with disabilites - this website is also available in spanish!
- Her 4th site, Council for Exceptional children is an international community of educators - she also mentions that there is a group like this at K-State, and they have meetings on Monday nights i'm pretty sure. This website provides helpful links for teachers about special education. This website also includes pages for professional development for those interested.

Part 2, Website/Blog:

Stuff I discovered, other people have cool websites! I really enjoyed looking at the other websites of my classmates. It was interesting to learn more about them and watch their animotos. Since we critiqued people we didn’t know, it was fun to see into their lives a little  bit – and learn more about them and/or their content area. Also, looking at the blogs of other students was really interesting as well and seeing what they chose to listen to and reflect on was often enlightening and I got some great ideas.

How to Improve my Website/Blog:
Stuff I could improve about my website – according to the critiques of my website,  I could make some text bigger… I could make sure all parts are labeled, somehow my personal podcast had a link that wasn’t labeled. Also, about my blog, I needed to make sure that I had all my podcasts labeled correctly as well that way they were all in the appropriate order. Overall, the critiques of my own personal website were really helpful. I'm glad we were given the opportunity to peer-edit/critique each other's websites. 

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