Monday, May 2, 2011

My Wow Moment:

What really surprised me this semester is the fact that technology can be incorporated in so many ways. I grew up in a middle school and high school that had a 6th-12 one on one laptop plan and we used our laptops a lot (we had macs!) however, I learned just how much more technology can be implemented.

Our book this semester was a great resource and I would recommend it to a future teacher or a current teacher looking for ways to incorporate technology. There are lesson plans in the back as well as ways throughout the book how to use different parts of technology and inspiring stories.
I bought my version of this book on Amazon, here is a link for it: 

Also, I was really surprised at how much a person can do with google docs and all the google programs frankly, and I want to give a shout out to how much I love them! 

From Google Docs, to Forms, Presentations, and even Maps, and Spreadsheets, google has it all! Our book has a pretty detailed description of how to use all these apps too! 

Overall, I learned so many things in this class it's hard to put them in so few words - so I will just say I was awed by how many ways there are to implement resources and how many free resources are out there for teachers! They rock! Also, I am wowed by Google. Simply put, Google Rocks! :) 

Hopefully you have as much fun learning about technology as I have if you get this book! :) 

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