Sunday, February 20, 2011

Twitter in my Classroom

I have recently began using Twitter for my educational technology class... I can't say it's my favorite resource, but it is definitely interesting. I am finding loads! and I mean LOADS! of educators to follow. I have found some great ones in my content area.

Check out my Twitter, and see who i'm following under my "educators" list.... here: My Twitter

I feel like there are several ways I will be able to use Twitter as a resource. Just through listening to a podcast for class today- mentioned in the previous post - the podcast was done by Tony Vincent  - Learning in Hand, and he mentioned how you can hashtag tweets such as tweeting "I found a great resource called blah blah blah" #edapp. By putting the #edapp after my tweet I will be saving my tweet in archives that are keep about educational applications that I can/could put on a handheld device such as an ipod/ipodtouch/ipad/or iphone.

Also, I am now following several educators who provide great resources. To be honest though, it's a bit overwhelming so i'm taking it slow.  Go out there and get a twitter though, I assure you you'll never be bored! :)

Oh and please follow me!

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